F.I.S.T. is a leather/BDSM, service, educational, and social organization centered on women, based in Baltimore with members nationwide.    F.I.S.T. is open for membership to people who feel a connection to and a desire to participate in the women’s leather community. This includes: women (transgender and cisgender), intersex persons, transgender persons, genderqueer persons, gender non-conforming persons, genderfluid persons, agender persons, and non-binary persons who feel they have a place in the women's BDSM community. Our Associate memberships are not gender limited. We have memberships available for all genders.  

Our language and understandings continue to evolve. We seek to create a leather club that is radically welcoming while simultaneously holding space for our history. To that end, we will be continually working to use more inclusive language. But as our goal is to center women while being inclusive of others who identify with women’s community, all mentions of “women” in F.I.S.T. materials and communications should be interpreted inclusively to apply equally to include all identities described above.

We are a backpatch club. We have a membership process, and a pledge period to join. Our parties and workshops are generally open to all people of the identities described above regardless of whether you are a member or not.**

Welcome! We're glad to have you.
FIST is committed to taking pride in who we are, how we treat one another, and having a great time! Mutual respect and having fun is a core value.
30+ years of a good time....
Creating opportunity, serving our communities and socializing! Join us for our open parties. We are a hybrid membership with members all over the country. Our events are in person and online.
We are member, service, and community centric. See you soon!
Socials & Fun!
F.I.S.T. runs in person and hybrid events all over the country! Our members are all over the country.

Some of our events are for members and associates only and some are open. Get on our newsletter to find out about all events and stay up on what is happening at F.I.S.T.!
2025 Activities
2025 Activities
Check out the event calendar! Let us know if you want to host, help, or be a part of our service oriented organization.
Need a patch?
Flagging FIST!
Need a patch?
Get in touch with Jack aka Sparky.

What's happening

Our events are all over the country and online. Please see our calendar and newsletters for further information.
  • Date TBA
  • Meet & Greet
  • In planning stages!
  • Socialize, meet new folx, and this is for anyone interested in sharing space. This is for non-members, members, etc.
  • RSVP
  • Online Meeting
  • Feb 24th - 7:30pm
  • Meeting Times 7:30-8:15pm - Full Members Only + potential pledges 8:15pm - Full Members, Associates, & Pledges
  • Call for Pledges!
  • Apply for Membership
  • We have closed our call for new member applications. Our next call will be a year or two from now.
  • Closed